Buy fish for coins, feed them, then keep or sell them to earn extra coins. Does it seem like the aquarium is too empty? You can buy decorations like seaweed and a castle!


Each fish has 5 stages of maturity. Each stage begins when the fish eats a piece of fish food. To feed the fish, grab the food container from the bottom left corner by clicking LMB, take it to the top of the aquarium and hold RMB. Each fish becomes hungry 10 seconds after it has last eaten.


To sell a fish, grab the fish net from the bottom right corner by clicking LMB, place it over fish you want to sell, then click RMB. You will receive coins proportional to size of the fish (if you want to make a profit, sell the fish when it reaches its maximum size).


The more fish you have, the dirtier the aquarium becomes. Grab the magnetic cleaner from the upper right corner of the aquarium by clicking LMB and use it to clean the aquarium. You will receive some extra money for each stain.


There are two shops in the top left corner: a fish shop and a decoration shop. You can click the buttons to open the shop menu and select a fish or decoration (you can scroll up and down). You can only have one plant and one building in your aquarium at a time, but if you have e.g. seaweed, then you buy red plant, you will get a refund equal to the price of the seaweed.

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